The Astrology Page Blog: October 2006

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Matter of Motion, Commotion, and Change

It seems appropriate to talk about change and illusion on one of the biggest nights of illusion in the US - Halloween, a cross quarter day. Although for kids, rather than a night to honor transition to a life in a different dimension, it has become a night to honor candy and apparel manufacturers. Historically Halloween was also a time to scare away the dead and so we have the origination of scary costumes.

We've had two major changes this weekend. Mercury went retrograde and Neptune went direct. This could have been chaotic for some, although Neptune makes the edges fuzzy. Click here to learn about retrogrades.

We are learning to work with change. If you think you're the same person you were a moment ago, you're not. If you think you're standing in the same spot, you're not.

When things appear to be the same, this is an illusion. For instance, when the Earth does its daily revolution, it doesn't come back to the same spot in space. In fact, 24 hours later, based on the Sun's movement alone, you have actually traveled 19,008,000 km away from that spot. This calculation does not factor in the movement of the Earth around the Sun, or the movement of the Milky Way. Even with all that incredible speed, we feel less commotion than that of a Ferris wheel.

Speeding Things Up and Slowing Things Down

Mercury, a planet of speed and movement, is an air sign, and like the wind, it moves hither and yon, constantly changing speed. The slowest it gets is when it's in fixed signs.

Mercury likes change, however in a Mercury Rx it's better to just re-think any major alterations in your life, and do them after the station direct. Although, maintaining your car or appliances, or getting them fixed is a good thing to do.

Right now, Mercury is Rx in Scorpio, a very slow sign, which will give you a chance to delve deeply into how you feel about any matter, especially life altering matters. Scorpio is the MASTER of change and transformation. Mercury goes direct on 11/17, and one month later when it goes into in into the fiery, mutable sign Sagittarius, it will feel like it’s in hyper-speed.

Do You Really Want to Remain the Same?

Some people thrive on change, and others like to do the same things over, and over, (especially people with fixed signs like me.) But sometimes re-doing is necessary. It seems as if I replaced my water heater yesterday, and it's time again. Ugh, Not again! (Mercury in Scorpio is perfect for thinking about re-doing anything connected to water.)

Do you and other people really want the status quo; do you really dislike change; do you like to do everything repeatedly? To prove a point, let's get practical. How do you feel when the same monthly bills arrive? Aren't you tired of getting them? Wouldn't you like to pay them off, and have some extra money for a change?

Words Say a Lot

How often do you hear, "do you have any change?" Metaphysically, it's not an accident that we've related the word "change" to money and that it connects us to other people. Astrologically speaking, Venus is related to both money and human connections.

Use the Retro to Make Simple Changes

Re-do the body with water, (workouts, spas, home treatments,) especially the derriere (Scorpio). Walking in the rain in my clogs this weekend must have taken inches off mine. I never noticed the muscles in that area; they were screaming.

Cosmic Trends

Change is inevitable and the more we squawk about it the harder it is to deal with it. I agree, some changes are difficult, like the consequences of our growing global population. However, humans are resourceful and will eventually solve the problems. Think of what London must have been like in the horse and buggy days, when congestion was as bad as it is now. Reading the history of astrology, and astrology books about cosmic events, shows that the planets do spur great changes. Phil Brown's book "Cosmic Trends" will be out in a few days.

All Planets Direct

There are many Rx planets every year. We only have short periods of fast-forward motion when all the planets are direct. We have an all-direct phase coming up between 11/20 and 12/5. The last planet to go direct in 2006 is Uranus on 11/20. This gives us approximately 16 days of direct planets. Saturn breaks the all-direct phase when it goes Rx on 12/5. For a little over two weeks, we have the chance to move forward and make changes with no restrictions.

Space Dust Makes a Mess

Recently my friends' daughter was complaining that everything is dirtier than usual, and that it takes more time to clean, which of course was cutting into her time playtime. I told her that we're traveling though a new area of outer space that has lots of dust, and to plan on a few hours extra chore time for the next few months. Her response? That's not fair; she could care less about astronomy. I had fun with a Neptune fib that will probably get me in trouble, but at least she won't have to have to spend more time cleaning and less time having fun. Who knows? Maybe sometimes the dust we travel through in space does make more of a mess.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tough Love - Get Rid of Your Clutter!

In the continuting series on clutter, here's an article from guest writer - Brian Brogan of Great River Feng Shui

Dear Friends, Clutter is big problem for a lot of people. My comments might seem harsh to some of you, but I feel that with this type of glaring dysfunction in peoples lives it requires a tough mindedness to get through the ordeal. Here I give you a dose of TOUGH LOVE. My best intentions always for everyone. Blessings on all your endeavors.

Clutter and Congestion

Let's put these issues to rest, get rid of it, it’s time for TOUGH LOVE. Feng Shui deals extensively with clutter and congestion. It’s being treated by the public as a new phenomenon, people feel guilty about it, but its not that dramatic or complex. There are two choices, stop being a victim of our own demise, make it a priority and take care of it, or make it a priority and seek help - period.

Root Causes, Our Profiles, Methods of Clearing

A good percentage of America has what I call attachment dis-order. Part of this is inherited; part of this is the product of today’s paradigm: capitalism and materialism.

Much of society before us, the silent generation that reared the boomers, grew up poor. Their fear based philosophy and work ethic included work hard at a conservative safe job, and save. We didn’t have much - so we want you to have everything we didn’t. I believe this was one of the seeds of being a pack rat and hoarding non essential stuff.

Today new, better and more is the norm and status symbol, and part of our class system. Our stuff is our identity; it reflects who we are, so we are very attached to our stuff. It’s a quick euphoric fix to go out and buy more stuff. Oh boy new toys, clothes, cars, until the high wears off and we are back to routine needing more. The cycle never completes itself in the illusion of material paradise.We’ve now created an industry around clutter and congestion. There are books and businesses to help us. What does it say about us when we don’t know what to do about this problem, becoming victims of our own stuff? We are squeezing through our furniture and blocked passageways to look for stuff we can’t find because it’s buried in stuff we never use any more.

The next headline will read Another Epidemic, 60% of Americans Lose Their Ability to Navigate Through Their Own Accumulation.

The interesting and positive part to this sad tale is Feng Shui, and the Yin Yang correlation. Isn’t it a paradox that we get more when we give more? The same applies to purging our bloated homes of unnecessary stuff, clearing the home for renewal, uplifting energy and life.

There have been countless stories of this transformational experience.

With the oppressive psychological and material burden lifted, come job promotions, improved relationships, abundance, health etc. We can take to this task with a lot of emotion and drama, or we can cut the umbilical cord and move on with our life. Our subconscious knows very well the STUFF has been weighing us down and keeping us back from moving on with our life.

So we need to do what it takes, what ever it takes, and there’s no going back once you’ve done it. There’s no hiding it either, no out of sight out of mind, everything you own counts in Feng Shui, no matter where it’s located. Moving stuff to another location is not necessarily a fix - the attic, down to the basement, into the garage, out to the shed, into storage, into the second home or having a friend store it for you.

Your stuff fits your life style, not the other way around – you don’t fit to your stuffs’ lifestyle. Speaking of my own lifestyle, for thirty years I haven’t lived in one place longer than 2 ½ years. I had 5 Feng Shui consultations before becoming a teacher and consultant. I’ve done it all, estate sales, yard sales, charity, and giving it to friends. I have had large trucks hauling stuff away. Over time many of us learn the value and meaning of less is more. More crystals don’t make for better Feng Shui, and more money doesn’t give people deep inner happiness.

Here are a few thoughts and questions to consider;

A healthy home equals a healthy mind and body.
A cluttered home – a cluttered mind
Congested home – congested body
Overweight home – overweight body
Overweight home – overweight body

When sorting through your possessions ask yourself these questions.
Do I love it?
Do I need it?
Does it reflect who I am in my life?
Does it act as an environmental affirmation for me?
What positive and or negative thoughts, memories or emotions do I associate with it?
Does it need to be fixed or repaired and am willing to do so now?
If I moved tomorrow would I choose to take it with me?
If it is time to let it go, am I going to sell, lend or give it away, and when?

The energy of our homes can leave us confused, irritated, scattered, and holding us in the past. Feng Shui is like acupuncture, it opens up the flow, getting us through blockages and stagnant energy. The home breathes in stuff and BREATHES OUT STUFF. WE SHOULD HAVE ONLY AS MUCH AS WE CAN CARE FOR. Feng Shui is creating harmony internally and externally.

Brian Brogan lived in the Far East for 5 years where he began his study of Feng Shui. After the Far East, he lived in California for many years where he studied with both eastern and western teachers. His consultations, teachings and workshops have been conducted throughout California, Florida and New England.

From the Desk of Susan Custer
I agree with with Brian's explanation of moving stuff. In my previous article, I mentioned that a trick to help clear out clutter is to move your stuff temporarily, but as Brian mentions, this is not a fix. Moving stuff around allows you to clear out the negativity from the area, but you have to deal with the stuff you moved, and the sooner the better. And don't forget, your subconscious is not fooled by the move. Moving your stuff only gives you a little breathing room, and it will build up a negative vortex in the new spot if it's not dealt with soon. Plan some time every day to work on your clutter. Don't bring in anything new until the old is gone. For instance, don't by a new book until at least ten are gone.


Monday, October 23, 2006

Clutter Fug

Brian Brogan at Great River Feng Shui commented on the money location of the house that I was talking about in my previous article.

Scroll down to the previous article or click here to read the "Clutter Experience".

Brian said, "It’s a little difficult to explain it in text without a map/image. It’s the furthest left grid in the rear of the home, the front door being the front of the home."

If you're interested in Love or Money set up an appointment. Nowadays with all the wonderful things we're able to do over the internet, we can work all over the world. Go to his website and sign up for his newsletters. They're chock full of information. The past few newsletters were fantastic.

Energy Dumps

I've been asked to talk a little more about the term "energy dump" that I used in my last article. When things bug us, or we get irritated or angry, we put out a vibration that is not to our best interest. When a negative thought is directed at a material object, the object holds the energy. If we repeat this negative vibration in the same area it builds up a vortex of negative energy. That's one of the problems with clutter. When the local garbage dump builds up, it stinks when the wind or temperature is right. Our personal clutter energy dump will put off stinky vibes. With enough of a build up you're going to get hurt, or other areas of your life will suffer. That's physics - metaphysics. In this instance, we see that the Feng Shui rule about clutter is very practical, its keeps people from stubbing their toes.

As I mentioned before when clutter has movement it's not such a problem as when it's stuck. If we make an ugly pile of something in clear view, there's no way that we will not notice it. Every time we walk by we will think a negative thought. "I should do something about this". "Mother is coming, maybe I can sweep it into the closet". "Oh dear, the electrician will think I'm a slob." "Ouch, I'll have a bruise from banging against the clutter." When it gets to the point that you're tripping over it, or doing a two-step to avoid it, you better do something quick. If you notice other areas of your life suffering, now you know why. There is a little trick, but it only works temporarily. Move the clutter to a new spot.

Another problem is repeat clutter. For instance, you leave the dishes out to the point where all the food is crusted over and harder to clean, and you do this over and over. Do you really enjoy looking at old food. What are you thinking when you see the dirty dishes. I'm sure it's not "isn't this wonderful?"

The next step is to find out why the clutter built up in the first place. A good Feng Shui expert will tell you to clear out the clutter, but will also help you discover what the experience is telling you.

As I said in my previous article, I'm a clutter expert, and I know from where I speak about the ramifications. So, I'm not making a judgment about clutter; I'm just stating the facts. If I was always able to walk by my stuff and think, "I'm so organized, and it makes me feel good", then it wouldn't have been a problem, it's no longer clutter, (until the guests come over).

Even though one person's clutter is another persons art, it may still be a problem. If the location is inocorrect, or in veiw of people who will perceive it in a negative way, find a more private place to view your work of art.

Scorpio Energy

Starting on the 24th there is a lot of Scorpio energy. This is the sign of the deepest cleaning possible. It may stir things up, but it'll clear things out if you're willing. Not only will you get into the hidden grime, you'll get to the root of the matter. In a way this is a simple form of electional astrology - doing things at the right time. Nina at Gryphon Astrology explains more and gives an example of electional astrology.

If you really want to elect a Scorpio clean-out, wait until six hours after the Full Moon. If you want to do the cadillac of elections, get a personal electional chart. Sorry, that's not my forte.

Merry Clutter Fug (For Your Gunk)

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Clutter Experience

I'm always hearing new age people complain about clutter. Clutter in itself is not good or bad, in fact, it tells you that you're a rather good attractor. If your attractions start to feel cluttered, all you have to do is create more space, get organized, use your stuff, or let it go. We're all here on this planet to have fun as we learn, so don’t get down on yourself. You must have had fun collecting your stuff, that’s as important as the stuff itself.

If you attract more than you need, and start to feel uncomfortable about it, and things keeps piling up, this is where the problems start. The fear of letting go might be the culprit. Are you afraid you won't be able to attract again? On the other hand, are you avoiding putting things in order and tidying up? Do you need to create more space? Do you need to use what's cluttering the place up?

Put Clutter in its Place

There's nothing initially wrong with a little clutter. What's important is attitude and attention. Nature has a great habit of cluttering. In the forest, when the leaves fall from the trees, they clutter all over the place, but then a nice breeze comes along and everything is moved around. We never say to the tree, “Oh what a mess you made, you cluttered all over the place.” It may be a matter of use; nature uses the fallen leaves as nutrients for new growth. If you aren’t going to use what’s in your personal piles, the energy just sits and vegetates. Every time you walk by, if you have a negative thought, you add what I call an energy dump; it builds up, and you loose a little of your own personal energy. What a drain, no wonder you're too tired to clean it up.

You may have to take some creative measures. I had a client whose son liked to pile things near the busy entry of the house. Things were getting very tense. She started spraying the area with Sage and thinking lovely thoughts. Within a month, the area cleared up and she never had to say a thing.

Your Clutter Personality

You've chosen the clutter experience for a reason. Think of what type you are. Are you a person who has closet clutter, cupboard clutter, drawer clutter, or do you drop everything in a certain spot? Those areas build up a vortex of energy and become a clutter magnet.

In the past, I've been great at creating clutter. For the most part, my life is very organized, and maybe a little over organized at times, (I have strong Virgo in my chart). Clutter is the one area where I let go. (My clutter is very organized.) When it gets out of balance, or I end up tripping, I know it's time to clean it up, and clear it out. I’m a material magnet. Friends are always dropping things off. They say “you may need this”, or “I know you'll find the right place for this”. I finally put my foot down and said, “No more, I‘m not the local Goodwill truck.” I have the clutter experience down pat, time to let go.

I know if you live with someone this is a different story, but why have you chosen to live with someone who drives you bonkers with their clutter when they leave the dishes all over the place, or drop their clothing or towels on the floor? What are you projecting?

Use the Moon

The next few days we're in the last quarter Moon, a letting go time. The Moon is in Libra until shortly after the New Moon on the 22nd. Libra is the planet of love, beauty, harmony, and money. (In astrology, Venus the ruler of Libra is love and money.) You may have lots of money and not enough love, or you may have lots of love and not enough money, or a lack of both. If so, Venus is in disharmony. Start cleaning things out. Keep in mind the harmony and pleasure keywords of Venus and Libra as you weed through the pile, and think of the good things ahead, even if you have to make them up. Don't think of what's wrong.

The cleaning up process can be done in any waning Moon. If the Moon is in Virgo, you'll notice all the little, nitty-gritty bits. Nothing will escape your attention. If the Moon is in Scorpio, you'll probably have a cathartic experience as you get down and deep into the pit. This is a good time to clean the basement. If the Moon is in Aries, you'll clean out with lots of gusto. If you clean out in a Taurus or Capricorn Moon, you'll have quite a lesson in letting go. Go to the Ephemeris Page to find the sign of the Moon, then go to the signs and figure out how it will affect the clean up.

Feng Shui

If you use Feng Shui, don't just change the area. Think about what the area means psychologically. Is your money corner a mess? Maybe your love corner is jammed. Since we're in a Libra Moon, now is a good time to think of love and relationships while you clean out the area that means love or money. For several months, I was ignoring a certain area of my home. One day I decided it needed a good stirring up, and a clean. About a week later, my business rocketed up. If you guessed it was my money corner, you're right.

Look up what each area represents in Feng Shu. I'm not a Feng Shui expert, but I know each area represents an aspect in your life such as family, friends, health, wealth, love and so on. I believe the money corner is the upper left side of the home depending on the entrance. Go to a site such as Great River Feng Shui by Brian Brogan, he's a great Feng Shui expert in our corner of the world.

In Conclusion

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, we are here to have experiences. We are here to learn how to handle vibrations. Clutter is a sign of misdirected, mismatched vibrations. It's not a sign that you're a bad, messy, slob. It just appears that way on the surface. If we said to nature, stop being a slob, and she listened, we wouldn't have a pile of leaves in which to frolic in the fall.

Nature starts to make a mess in the month of Libra, the sign of beauty, pleasure, and harmony. In November, Scorpio starts the process of turning the garbage into compost. The difference between nature and our clutter is that we often ignore it and let it fester. Nature keeps working with the clutter so that it becomes fertilizer for growth.

I remember as a child collecting a pile of rags and then visiting the ragman and watching him weigh them out, and then give me money for my clutter. It was great fun. Letting go pays off.

May you have wonder and joy in your clutter experience.

Monday, October 16, 2006

The 818 Gateway - the Cosmic Trigger on October 17

There is a message going around the internet that October 17 is the day of a strong cosmic ray of ultraviolet radiations, and mediations and prayers will take place all over the globe. Ultraviolet affects the crown chakra, which connects us to our spirituality.

There is no scientific measurement that I know of that will prove that this cosmic ray is indeed happening. The only measurement is your own knowing. Whether or not it is a true that there is a cosmic ultraviolet emanation, October 17 is still a great opportunity. Two planets of power, the Sun and Pluto are making a sextile that day, and millions of people around the world will be meditating and praying all day long. Hitch your star to those thoughts and prayers. It certainly doesn't hurt to join this cosmic human wave and wish for whatever you want that is for the good of humanity as well as your own personal good. The emanations that go out from human thought is a wave that I intend to be on. Why not?

Philip Sedgwick, a galactic astrologer, has just sent out an email discussing this from the astronomical standpoint. For more information go to the Galactic Times.

I know you're probably curious, so here are some excerpts from the email

This is the beginning, one of many trigger events to come between now and 2013. An ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in universe-2 will cross paths with the Earth on this day. Earth will remain approximately within this UV beam for 17 hours of your time.

Every thought, every emotion, every intent, every will, no matter if it is good, bad, ill, positive, negative, will be amplified one million times in strength.

What does this mean ? Since all matter manifest is due to your thoughts, i.e. what you focus on, this beam will accelerate these thoughts and solidify them at an accelerated rate making them manifest a million times faster than they normally would.

This UV beam comes into full affect for 17 hrs on the 17th of October 2006.

No matter what time zone you are in the hours are approximately 10:17 am on the 17th of October to 1:17 am on the 18th October. The peak time will be 17:10 ( 5:10 pm ) on the 17th October. You do not need to be in a meditative state through out this time, though it would be benefical. The main key time no matter what time zone you are in will be the peak time of 17:10 ( 5:10 pm ) Perhaps at this time if you can find a peaceful spot or location to focus. The optimum is out in the vicinity of grounded nature, likened to that of a large tree or next to the ocean waves. Focus on whatever it is you desire.

What is required for the benefit of all Earth and Humanity is positive thoughts of loving nature. We call this UV beam trigger event, "818" gateway. Please forward this message to as many people as you know who will use this cosmic trigger event to focus positive, good willed thoughts. We require approximately 1-million people across globe to actively participate in this event.

Peace and Prosperity for all Earth and Mankind. This is a gift, a life line from your universe so to speak, an answer to your prayers. What you do with it and whether or not you choose to participate is your choice.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

More on Corey Lidle

Lynn Hayes has posted an article on her web site Astrodynamics about Corey Lidle's chart. She's done a great job of filling in the blanks with a good interpretation of his natal chart and how the recent transits affected him.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Corey Lidle - Another New York Disaster

On October 11, 2006, Corey Lidle, a pitcher for the New York Yankees baseball team, died after crashing into an exclusive high-rise in Manhattan. He took off in his small plane, a SR20 from the Tetorboro, New Jersey airport at 2:21 PM, and flew around Manhattan for about 20 minutes before crashing into the building. He was flying with his former flight instructor, Tyler Stanger.

Calls to 911 went out at 2:45 PM. People nearby were terrified when they heard a loud bang, and saw a plane crash into the building, followed by heavy smoke. This is a grim reminder to New Yorkers and the world of 911. Now the date 10/11 will be remembered in New York for its connection to a disaster.

Lidle was having one of the best years ever in his baseball career, but if we had looked at his chart previous to the accident we would have seen upcoming problems.

Corey Fulton Lidle has an Aries Sun. He was born on March 22, 1972 in Hollywood, California, time unknown. Aries is the sign of the athlete, and with all the cardinal signs in his chart, Lidle was a go-getter, never staying still for long. With Mars in Taurus, we see the never-ending drive and determination, but this was also a problem, for Mars in the sign Taurus is in its detriment and brings danger, from which he is not able to save himself.

The most challenging configuration in his chart is a possible grand cross between the Moon in 11 Cancer, Pluto in 00 Libra, Jupiter in 08 Capricorn, and the Sun in 02 Aries.

Pluto has a wide orb to the Moon and Jupiter and normally we would not count it as an aspect, but because of what is called a translation of light, it is part of the grand cross. The Sun connects Pluto, the planet of death, to the grand cross. Uranus is involved in the grand cross due to a square to the Moon, again because of the translation of light. So here we see an aspect from birth that involves sudden death, the end of the ego. Uranus is the planet of sudden mishaps, especially through airplanes.

This grand cross configuration was triggered in September by the Solar Eclipse on 9/22 at 29 Virgo, and the Libra Ingress the next day at 00 Libra. The eclipse and the ingress were sitting on his progressed Pluto at 29 Virgo. This in turn triggered the natal opposition to the Sun. They are both part of the grand cross which is one of the most difficult aspects in astrology. Basically the power of the eclipse and the ingress, set off Pluto the planet of major change, (death and depression), the Sun (the planet of life and vitality), the Moon (the planet of function) and Jupiter the planet of travel). Jupiter is usually active in a death chart.

The recent full Moon at 13 Libra, also activated the grand cross through the planet Uranus, (through the translation of light). The Moon was within 2 degrees of his progressed Uranus at 15 Libra, and the natal Moon at 11 Cancer.

The Moon may be anywhere from 5 to 18 Cancer. If the Moon is higher than 13 Cancer then the grand cross is demoted to a T-square, which is still very challenging.

Aries is the sign of the athlete, and with all the cardinal signs in his chart, Lidle is a go-getter, never staying still for long. With Mars in Taurus, we see the never-ending drive and determination, but this is also a problem, for Mars in Taurus is in its detriment and brings danger, from which the native is not able to save himself.

Here we have another example of an athlete leaving our world unexpectedly. The element of danger is strong in this event. He had repeatedly told the press that his flying was safe. With the death of Steve Irwin, we also were faced with a death involving danger, but Steve Irwin knew the danger of what he did. Corey Lidel also left behind a family.

The number 11 in metaphysics is a master number. It is also a portal, a bridge, to the unseen world.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Right and Wrong of Relationships - The Amish and Foley

The Harvest Full Moon is in a cardinal sign, which is aspiring, strong willed, and has a desire to accomplish things. The Moon in fast moving Aries will try to achieve these desires quickly.

Aries/Libra is the you/me polarity. You'll be thinking of what you want, and noticing what others want. Aries insists that you think of yourself first, not in a selfish way, but in an empowering way. When you are strong and have lots of energy, you’ll be able to help others. It reminds me of an airplane demo; the flight attendant always says, "put your mask on first, then assist your child. "

The Moon in Aries is making an opposition to Mars, the ruler of Aries. This means that Mars is forcing us to notice if our relationships are out of balance. The Full Moon always brings awareness of who we are and where we're going, and brings to light things that hide in the darkness. There are times when this awareness is uncomfortable, which is actually a good sign. It means that we're paying attention, and desire to get rid of something that was not for our best.

The Amish

At this time of year the Full Moon in Aries is at harvest time; the time when we work together to gather the fruits of the summer and share what has been cultivated. I kept hearing about the Amish working together in the fields, in their pumpkin patches, the day after the tragic event in their one room school. In their grief they know that working together, being together, is important. They're showning us the good way to be with, and think of, each other. Even in their grief, they share a full awareness of what is truly right in their connections to others. Forgiveness is important, their faith is strong; tragedy will not turn them from their faith.

Read about the outpouring of help for the Amish from around the world.

An example of the malicious side of relationships in the news is the revelation of the latest US congressional scandal. Congressman Mark Foley was caught sending illicit messages to young pages. He is the one who he headed up the Congressional committee that deals with “child predators.”

Read the astrology of the Foley scandal at Astrodynamics

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Need a Little Grounding?

With the Moon going through Pisces, and the lack of the earth element, you may feel a little disconnected in the next few days. With most of the planets in air or water this week, there is a tendency to be in the mind without being in the moment, and this means you aren't grounded in the here and now. With the Pisces Moon, there is a fogginess, which makes it difficult to think clearly, or to think about practical things, and daily life. It would be easier to get lost in fantasy through movies, books, or daydreaming. When we're not grounded, it's easy to get scattered, or to procrastinate, and our desire to avoid reality is stronger.

What to do?

If possible, go outside in nature. Walk in the park, or walk barefoot with your feet making contact with the earth, whether it's rock, dirt, or sand. One of the best ways to ground is to sit with your back against a tree. Another good way to ground, especially if you have to stay inside is to hold a piece of hematite or obsidian in your hand, put it in a pocket below the waist, or attach it to your belt.

Another way to ground is through food, choosing root vegetables such as carrots or potatoes. You can ground with color by using orange or yellow vegetables such as winter squash, or pumpkin. If you’re spaced out, avoid juicy summer vegetables that are high in water, such as lettuce, and avoid salads for the next few days. We recently had a raw vegetable scare in the US, so cooking vegetables serves two purposes. It's more grounding, and at higher temperatures, cooking will kill harmful bacteria. Baking is more grounding than steaming or cooking in water.

Make a Flower Essence

In the future, you may wish to try some potato flower essence; four to six drops under the tongue should be enough. Potato flower essence is easily made from the blooming flowers of a potato. Place the petals in a clean, (sterilized) clear glass or crystal bowl with a cup of spring water. Place in the Sun for two hours. This is called the Mother Essence. Carefully remove the flowers and pour the water into a sterilized glass jar and cover. To remove the flowers use a clean wooden utensil, or a leaf, don't use your fingers. Next, get a small (1/2 ounce to one ounce) dark dropper bottle and fill with 2/3 spring water and 1/3 brandy. Add 7 drops of the Mother Essence to every ounce of water. Now it's set and ready for use. This is called the stock level, often used for physical issues. You can further potentize the essence by adding 7 drops of the stock essence to a new dropper bottle. This is called the dosage level, which works with the energy body, as well as the physical body. If you are unable to make your own potato essence, it may be ordered through

Colds are more prevalent now, or they may come back again. Discomfort in the head, and watery problems such as a runny nose, or lung and air issues are more obvious. The Full Moon in Aries on Friday 10/06 may acerbate head colds or headaches.

Once we move past the watery Moon in Pisces on Friday, the dryness of the air signs will help.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Using Transits Part 2 Something Bad to Something Good

When we’re in the middle of a transit, it isn’t always easy to see our way out. With a difficult transit, many people don't notice what's going on until they reach the breaking point. It's easy to be sucked in, and not realize what’s going on until after we've had enough. When we’ve had enough, we can turn something bad, into something beneficial. It's never too late.

The world provides us with many things that cooperate with what we’re thinking and feeling. There's an old saying, "We are what we think". If we upgrade this thought to fit in with the New Age, it becomes, "We attract what we think".

During a difficult transit, a vibration is set up that attracts matching events. I gave a few simple, everyday, examples in my post on Saturn and Neptune Deceptive Marketing. At the end of that post, I also promised that I'd help you find ways to work with a negative transit; there are ways to get something positive out of every transit.

Guilty, Guilty, Guilty, as Charged

Let me give a personal example. It's a rather simple example, but that's often how a transits start out. The other day I was reading a complimentary article about my blog. Then I read someone else's response that I thought wasn't complimentary. My reaction? In my mind, I started doing the usual negative tape and blame game. I'm being discredited, not appreciated, misinterpreted, she didn't read my entire article or she wouldn't have said that, I being taken out of context, I wasn’t clear about what I said, I didn’t write enough, yada, yada, yada. Finally, I ran out of steam, and stopped beating myself up. When I was ready to let go, I saw the truth of the matter. When I went back and read the post, I realized she may not have been referring to me; wow, was that my ego or what? She didn't say I was bad, she just said that she didn't want to read something negative, she wanted to read a positive way to work with astrology.

For several weeks, I’ve concentrated on the negative, so I attracted something that's on my mind. That’s not to say that problems should be avoided or ignored; noticing the problems and then transforming them is the key. It's been on my mind to write something positive to balance the negative. However, media drama pulled me, and I put off the idea of the positive side of things. Negative headlines are catching my attention.

The Transits Involved

Mercury, (communication) was making a square (friction) to my Venus (harmony and pleasing others), affecting the 6th house of daily work, and 10th house of reputation. I heard that small voice say, "You’re such a wimp, trying to be pleasant all the time". Do you want to be known as a Susie do-gooder? Stick with the negative stuff kid; it’s more interesting.

Standing up to my inner critic is not what harmonious Venus likes to do, until her warrior side comes out. Normally, Venus would rather acquiesce to the inner critic and write about negative things than rebel and create a commotion. However, Venus can fight when she’s motivated.

Morning and Evening Venus

Venus has two sides. Evening Venus is reflective and restrained; she's pleasant and wants to get along with everyone. Morning Venus is a hellion; she’s dangerous; she's the warrior. Her negative side can be overly compromising; her positive side is stands up for what she believes is just and fair, and brings personal pleasure. I decided to choose the route of personal pleasure.

Reading that post was exactly what I needed. Thank you very much. It jolted me into realizing my intuition is right. People do want to hear the good. I turned the incident from a negative to a positive.

How to Turn a Negative

It's easier than you think to change a situation, thought. or feeling; it just takes constant focus. For instance, when Neptune, the planet of delusion and deceit, is making a hard aspect to Saturn, the planet of fear and lack, look for the positive qualities. For Neptune, think of faith and spirituality, and for Saturn think success, and reaching your goals. If you need a visualization, imagine climbing the highest mountain (Saturn)you can think of(Neptune).

In my article on Saturn and Neptune, I pointed out some of the subtle ways that we are exposed to the negative sides of these planets. When Neptune causes the “illusion” of lack created by Saturn, turn to faith, and know that Saturn will help you reach your goals. Have faith (Neptune) that your world of form (Saturn) is just right for you. Letting illusions and fantasy take over (Neptune), especially when they’re not what you really want, is not being grounded in the here and now (Saturn); it's avoidance. Have the faith that you are always provided for while on this earth, that's a lesson of Saturn.

We are often given small lessons to get us started. If we don’t listen, the lessons get louder.

A small lesson may have started at the grocery store. If you were attracted to a bargain soap powder and then disappointed because you were gypped, let Saturn show you how to build the lesson of faith. Rather than think you were deluded, use your imagination and know that soon you will attract something good into your material reality. Saturn is just reminding you that practice makes perfect. Once you get the thing you desire, find a way to use it as soon as possible. Don't tuck it away in the closet. Saturn always brings a lesson that makes material life better.

What you attract does not have to be material; it may be a talent or way of thinking that will make the world a better place for you. Your attraction will help you reach your goals and climb to the top of your world.

You may attract another lesson to test yourself. If you don’t get it the first time, the teacher Saturn, will be happy to give you a more noticeable lesson.

The Positive Sides of the Planets

I'll be talking about this in the future, but let me get you started. Learn the positive and negative characteristics of planets and signs. When you find yourself in the negative mode, turn to the positive. Click here to read keywords for planets, signs.

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Using Transits Part 1
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